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planit 추천 상품 리스트 TOP 5
플랜잇 에스프레소 커피머신 2in1, PCM-F15W
가격 : 137,990원 (22% 할인) 179,000원
평점 : ★ 4.5점 | 후기 : 👨 68건
구분 | 내용 |
용량 | 1.2L |
스팀기능여부 | 스팀기능 |
커피머신추출압력 | 15bar |
종류 | 에스프레소 머신 |
조작방식 | 반자동 |
배송비 | 무료배송 |
플랜잇 노르딕 핸드드립 전기 포트 화이트, PEC-NX5W
플랜잇 The Art 3in1 애스프레소 커피머신, PCM-F21(유니온잭블루)
가격 : 199,000원 (33% 할인) 298,000원
평점 : ★ 5.0점 | 후기 : 👩 3건
구분 | 내용 |
스팀기능여부 | 스팀기능 |
커피머신추출압력 | 19bar |
용량 | 1.5L |
조작방식 | 전자동 |
종류 | 에스프레소 머신 |
배송비 | 무료배송 |
플랜잇 노르딕 전동 원두커피 그라인더, PGR-007WW(화이트)
플랜잇 커피메이커 텐더 1.5L PCM-NT11, 블랙(PCM-NT11B)
가격 : 88,700원 (44% 할인) 159,000원
평점 : ★ 4.5점 | 후기 : 👨💼 59건
구분 | 내용 |
종류 | 영구/반영구필터 |
용량 | 1.5L |
자동/수동 | 자동/전동 |
종류 | 커피메이커 |
조작방식 | 수동 |
배송비 | 무료배송 |
planit 관련 정보
It Was Legal Boilerplate. Trump Made It Sound Like a Threat to His Life.
“It’s just been revealed that Biden’s DOJ was authorized to use DEADLY FORCE for their DESPICABLE raid in Mar-a-Lago,” Mr. Trump… The agents had a plan in place to deal with the media if reporters caught wind of the event, and they intended to rely on “existing…
출처 : The New York Times
안산시, LoL 4개 구단·게임·IT 업계와 미래 인재 육성
It was also operated for two months at a school and youth training center. Ansan City’s ambition is to establish itself as a center city of the e-sports industry, both in name and reality. Based on this, we plan to spare no effort in providing diverse support to revitalize the local economy and increase citizen…
출처 : 브레이크뉴스
[대구대 소식] 대구대 IT융합학과, 중소기업 계약학과 성과평가 전국 유일 5년 연속 ‘S등급’ 획득
[사진=대구대학교] 대구대학교(총장 박순진) 중소기업 계약학과 학사과정인 IT융합학과(학과장 원희철)가 중소벤처기업부와 중소벤처기업진흥공단이… 이번 평가는 사업수행 역량, 사업 정량 실적 및 정성 실적 등을 토대로 평가가 진행됐고, 대구대는 특히 PDCA(Plan·계획, Do·실행, Check·평가, Action·개선)를…
출처 : 일요서울
Europe Has Fallen Behind the U.S. and China. Can It Catch Up?
Last year, the European Union passed a Green Deal Industrial Plan to speed the energy transition, and this spring it proposed for the first time an industrial defense policy. But these efforts have been dwarfed by resources that the United States and China are employing. The…
출처 : The New York Times
Here’s the revised flight plan for the Starliner’s journey.
It must launch at the exact moment — what is known as an instantaneous launch window — that would allow it to catch up with the International Space Station. Starliner will detach from the second stage of the rocket 15 minutes after launch. Sixteen minutes later…
출처 : The New York Times
(News Focus) S. Korea’s plan to halt 2018 military pact heralds loudspeaker broadcasting resumption, border training aga
Korea’s plan to halt 2018 military pact heralds loudspeaker broadcasting resumption, border training against N.K. By Chae Yun-hwan SEOUL… Since Tuesday, the North has sent around 1,000 balloons carrying trash in what it said was a tit-for-tat campaign against South Korean…
출처 : 연합뉴스
‘An intergenerational crime against humanity’: what will it take for political leaders to start taking climate change se
Do they plan to relocate the town and pray that another once-in-a-century flood won’t happen again, or is the writing already on the wall and it is time simply to abandon ship? Climate tipping points Despite our inherent vulnerabilities, Australia still does not have a…
출처 : 이코노타임즈
Ford Rescues a Detroit Train Station as It Plots Its Own Future
“Now we have a chance to do it.” The Ford Motor Company bought Michigan Central Station in 2018 from the wealthy Moroun family for $90 million and has since spent hundreds of millions of dollars to restore it to its original beauty. Ford’s plan is to create a hub of…
출처 : The New York Times
Israel Pushes Deeper Into Rafah, but Gaza Exit Plan Remains Unclear
Netanyahu for not articulating a clear exit strategy for the war, and a centrist member of Israel’s war cabinet, Benny Gantz, said recently that he would leave the government if it did not develop a plan for Gaza by June 8. As long as Israel has no diplomatic endgame for…
출처 : The New York Times
(LEAD) N. Korea’s launch of what it claims to be military spy satellite ends up multiple pieces of debris: S. Korean mil
During the summit, Yoon and Kishida also urged the North to call off the launch plan. If confirmed, it would mark the North’s latest satellite launch attempt after the country successfully put its first military spy satellite into orbit in November last year after two…
출처 : 연합뉴스
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